Tonight, we're celebrating Kid2's 11th birthday! It's still a few days away, but it's the weekend and if we don't get it done tonight, it may not happen before they put me away in the loony bin (see below). Kid2 has two wonderful friends spending the night and we've celebrated with cake and frosting and rainbow sherbet (Surprisingly, these go well together!) and movies and now a headache. Fortunately, the pre-teen incessant giggling I was expecting never happened. We'll see how things fare in the morning!
Saturday will be chock full of activities (all before 2pm) with Kid4's dance class, the school Book Fair and one of Bethel's other primary social events...Saturday Market. It isn't uncommon to find people you haven't seen in a whole week and wander through the tables so engrossed in conversation that you have to head back in just to see if there's anything you want to buy. Inevitably, you'll see someone else and repeat the cycle of insanity. Fortunately, it's an awful lot of fur so by the third or fourth time through, it's easy to figure out which tables you need to stop at and which you can get away with just touching and inwardly being dually disgusted at yourself for doing so and for actually sort of liking the way fur feels. This place will do that to you.
Word from Nome is that Kid1 successfully performed her solo ("I'm Not That Girl" from Wicked) and received a "Command Performance"! Yay! We're so proud! Of course, this means more travel for Kid1 to attend the State Solo Competition, which probably means more stress for a certain blogger (See post from 4/14/10), despite the fact that she has the best chaperons in the world! If Kid1 ever makes it big, she's already appointed me her Manager! Kid1 returns Sunday afternoon!

Sunday night, I return to the airport to drop J off for the evening flight to Anchorage so she can attend a week's worth of the Alaska Synod's Assembly and Collegium. I'm already sweating handling all the household chores (Especially packing lunches...for some reason I'm really not good at that task!) as well as getting everyone everywhere they need to be. That doesn't even include getting myself adequately groomed and to all the places I need to be! Of course, there are still a week's worth of logistical snafus that will also need to be solved (Just hopefully not before I am able to sleep tonight!). Did I mention lunches? Can't forget the lunches...
Wednesday, Kid1 hops back on a plane to attend the Alaska Synod's Youth Leadership Conference in Anchorage. I'm sure she will have a great time and it will be wonderful for her to meet some other Lutheran youth... Oh God! What have we done? I know how these types of events go! J and I met at one of these so-called "Leadership Conferences"...
This is going to be tough. Maybe the toughest week ever. In basketball terms, we're losing our point guard and leading scorer for almost a whole week! I'm doomed! I feel bad for the kids in my classes this week. They are probably going to wonder what happened to the "cool sub" and who the tyrant teaching their classes is!
Keep me in your prayers. More importantly, keep Kids2,3 and 4 in your prayers. And, the students in my classes. And, anyone that gets in my way. And, well...that should cover it...I guess...
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