11 April 2010

Surviving Hazing...

Tonight I catered the dessert for the annual Tundra Women's Coalition banquet Yukeghtaaraat (around our house we call it "Yuke Duk" cause according to J, Yukeghtaaraat is pronounced "Yuke Duk". I'm not sure I believe her.) for 200 guests. I cannot recall if I suggested to J that I/we should help out or if she just volunteered me for the duty, but the banquet was tonight and (despite my typing induced apnea causing me to yawn) I managed to get 224 cheesecake brownies with a raspberry coulis served to very positive results!

The more important question is: Did I do enough to get myself volunteered for next year's banquet or if I'm a complete bust? I'm not sure which I'm rooting for, either!

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